What is a simmer pot?

What is a simmer pot?

I get this question a lot and it surprises me that more people have not heard of them, given their long history in many cultures.
But the basic, modern day answer? To have your home smelling cozy and warm without all the toxins that candles and sprays may bring.
A Simmer pot is a pot of water on the stove with natural herbs and spices, simmering throughout the day.
It may seems pretty simple, but that’s because it is! Thats the beauty of them. Simple, easy and very effective.
That’s also why we call ourselves Simple Simmers! We know how easy it is to throw these things in a pot of water, but we wanted to take it a step further and curate smells for you. Go to the store, buy the ingredients, explore spices, cut and dry out all the fruit and even deliver, just and so you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home. 🤍
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